February 19 - 23, 2020

Pāmoda: Finding Well-Being of the Mind in Daily Life

A Retreat with Ajahn Piyasilo

In this five-day retreat, Ajahn Piyasilo—an abbot of Wat Pah Yen Boon, a forest monastery in the Ajahn Cha tradition—led us in an exploration of the concept of pāmoda (Th: pramot), the Pali word for well-being of the mind. Ajahn’s teachings were complimented by study sessions held by Dr. Alexander Wynne, a leading expert on early Buddhist meditation and the Pali language. Dr. Wynne is Assistant Director at the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies. His research focuses primarily on understanding the Buddha’s philosophy of mind and meditation.

March 20 - 24, 2019

Annual Retreat: Tales of Sariputta

A contemplative Retreat with Ajahn Jayasaro

In our second annual five-day retreat, foundation advisor Ajahn Jayasaro introduced participants to the tales of Sariputta, one of the Buddha’s foremost disciples. Through sessions of story, walking meditation, teachings on mental habits and hindrances, and daily Q&A, as well as guided sitting meditation, participants learnt how to better deal with mental agitation by watching and knowing the mind.

January 18 - 20, 2019

Navigating the Mindscape:

Exploring our potential for self-transformation

A study-focused retreat with Venerable Anil Sakya

With twenty participants over a long weekend at the Paccaya Sala in Chiang Mai, we piloted a new format for the study Dhamma in Thailand. Using a combination of academic study, analysis, and traditional meditation techniques, the essence of the foundation came to life.

March 7 - 11, 2018

Inaugural Retreat: The Noble Eightfold Path

A Contemplative Retreat with Ajahn Jayasaro

This five-day contemplative retreat was led by our foundation advisor, the widely respected Ajahn Jayasaro. Over 40 participants – from eight countries – took part in a balanced curriculum of meditation, study of the Noble Eightfold Path, Q&A sessions, walking meditation, daily dharma advice by Ajahn Jayasaro, and morning Tai-Chi.